There are many small steps we can all take to make the online world safer and more secure for us all. Here’s some tips to start:


• Beware of Phishing emails

Received a suspicious email? Make sure an email is genuine before clicking links or opening attachments, or providing sensitive or important information.
Report phishing emails to for the NCSC (Nation Cyber Security Centre) to investigate, and forward scam text messages to 7726

• Good Password Management

Many of us are guilty of using poor password management – reusing passwords, using names personal to us, dates of births etc. Try using three random words, incorporating special characters such as !()@, and swapping letters for numbers – for example G00dcYb3r(t1ps!
Also consider using a password manager

• Look after your device

Try not to leave your device unattended. When in an office, or around others, remember to lock your screen if you have to leave your device unattended

• Keep software up-to-date

Make sure your software has the most recent update. Ensure your operating system has automatic updates switched on. Updates may contain important security fixes so keeping software up to date will help keep you secure

• Use antivirus protection and firewall

Make sure any device you use is protected by sufficient anti-virus software and a firewall

• Use secure websites

When entering sensitive or important information into a website, make sure the website is secured. This can be identified by checking the website address bar – make sure the address starts with HTTPS and not just HTTP

• Back up data regularly

Taking regular back up of data can be vital in the event that you do suffer a serious incident and have to restore data

• Use email encryption

Many people are unaware of how insecure regular emails are. When sending emails containing sensitive or important information, you should use email encryption. Gambryce can show you how

• Website Management

If you host your own website, there are many areas which may be vulnerable. If you need help identifying these vulnerable areas, Gambryce can help with this

• Cyber Security Awareness

It is important that any screen facing member of staff is alert to the many risks that there are in the cyber world. Gambryce offer Cyber Security Awareness training which will help raise awareness to these risks